Deposit $1 to enter a 1v1 challenge, solving the same puzzle as your opponent. Your initial $1 deposit is all you need to potentially win millions!
If you solve the Round 1 puzzle correctly before your opponent, you win your opponents dollar and can either choose to withdraw or continue on to Round 2, using your whole balance which is now $2.
Each round won doubles your winnings, as you are beating an opponent wagering the same amount of money, you are risking your entire accumulated winnings each round, however all you ever stand to lose out of your pocket is the $1 you initially paid to play the first round.
Please view our Pay Table page for a clear explanation of the winnings available per round.
As you progress to higher rounds, the puzzle difficulty increases and becomes more challenging.
BrainBux is currently capped at 25 total rounds with a top prize of over $16 million dollars.
In the event that your opponent solves the puzzle first, your initial $1 deposit and any earnings you have accumulated since Round 1 will be transferred to your opponent. You will be transferred back to the main screen and can deposit $1 again to start from round 1.
In the unlikely event of a tie game where both users solve the puzzle at the exact same time, the round will restart with a brand new puzzle to solve.
In the event of an incomplete game where neither player was able to solve the puzzle – both players will have their rounds reduced by 2 (Example – Players are on round 7 and both fail to solve the puzzle, both players will be taken to the home screen and be able to search for a Round 5 game, or withdraw their winnings calculated at Round 5).
The excess funds caused by the reduction in these rounds are forfeited and split between BrainBux and a nominated community project or cause.
Winnings can be withdrawn at the end of each round.
Withdrawals can not be made once a user has commited to entering a round.
Winnings are withdrawn into the user’s bank account minus BrainBux’s 5% service fee, meaning our user’s receive 95% of all winnings.